
THE CHOSEN’s Bible Roundtable Episodes Return with Season 4 Discussions

by Mia

Dallas Jenkins, creator of THE CHOSEN, joins religious leaders in a series of new BIBLE ROUNDTABLE episodes to discuss Season 4 of the acclaimed series.

The latest discussions feature Jenkins alongside Father David Guffey, Rabbi Jason Sobel, and Dr. Doug Huffman, all of whom also serve as theological advisors for the show. They delved into the intricate details of Season 4’s opening episode, exploring themes ranging from potential betrothals to profound life events.


Reflecting on the narrative choices, Jenkins remarked, “At the end of the episode, we are celebrating three things, all at once — maybe not celebrating, but at least reflecting on them — which is, potential betrothal in a marriage, a death, and a birth.”


Father Guffey shared his insights on the significance of naming rituals during biblical times, stating, “I liked that you included the naming of John the Baptist because, at the time, naming was part of the way that a father claimed the child.” Rabbi Sobel added, “Names have great significance to them,” underscoring the symbolic weight behind such acts.


Dr. Huffman elaborated on the narrative decision regarding John the Baptist’s name, noting, “By not giving John the Baptist his own name, Zachariah is showing this submission to the Lord and the Lord’s will for this child.”

Discussing their roles as advisors on THE CHOSEN, Dr. Huffman expressed a hope that viewers would engage with the gospels in a more imaginative way, stating, “I think that’s one of the problems in the world today. We’re too familiar with the Bible…we’ve forgotten how to read it the way that it was intended to be read.” He emphasized the multidimensional nature of biblical figures, highlighting their complexities and concerns.

In an interview with Variety, Jenkins emphasized the series’ focus on depicting Jesus’ humanity, noting, “Showing Jesus’ human side has been a cool thing in the show.” He posed questions about the challenges of God incarnate navigating human limitations and the moral certainty of divine purpose.

The BIBLE ROUNDTABLE episodes covering Episodes 1 and 2 of Season 4 are currently accessible on THE CHOSEN app, offering fans and viewers deeper insights into the thematic and narrative developments of the series.

By engaging in these collaborative discussions, THE CHOSEN continues to resonate with audiences by blending theological insights with compelling storytelling, inviting viewers to reconsider familiar narratives through a fresh, thoughtful lens.

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