
What Does Leviticus 15:11 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 15:11 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 15:11, like many other verses in the Old Testament, might seem difficult to understand or irrelevant to modern Christians. However, when studied carefully, it holds valuable lessons about purity, holiness, and the way we should relate to God. In this article, we will explore the context of Leviticus 15:11, the verse itself, its deeper meaning, and how we can apply its teachings in our lives today.


The Context of Leviticus 15:11 (KJV)

To properly understand Leviticus 15:11, it is important to consider the context in which it is written. Leviticus, the third book of the Bible, contains laws given to the Israelites by God through Moses. The book outlines the rituals, sacrifices, and guidelines for maintaining ceremonial cleanliness, which was important for the people of Israel as they sought to maintain their holiness before God.


Leviticus 15 deals specifically with laws regarding bodily discharges, which could make someone ceremonially unclean. These laws were important because the Israelites were expected to maintain spiritual purity, especially when approaching God in worship. The cleanliness laws covered a wide variety of situations, from menstrual cycles and other bodily fluids to infectious diseases like leprosy.


Leviticus 15:11 is part of a section where God instructs the people of Israel on how to deal with situations that made them unclean. In this particular case, it deals with the requirement for purification when a person had come into contact with a bodily discharge. This is important because, under the old covenant, people had to follow these laws in order to be able to participate in the religious and communal life of Israel.

Leviticus 15:11 (KJV)

The verse itself reads:

“And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the issue shall be unclean until even.”

Leviticus 15:11 is a specific regulation concerning how a person who has a discharge—such as from an illness or other bodily cause—can make others unclean. If someone touched a person with such an issue, they would also become unclean and would have to follow the necessary steps for purification before being allowed to rejoin the community or partake in worship.

This verse emphasizes the idea that impurity can spread from one person to another. It also reflects the importance of maintaining ceremonial purity in order to maintain a right relationship with God. Those who came into contact with someone who had a bodily discharge were required to follow purification rituals, showing the seriousness with which the Israelites had to approach cleanliness in their daily lives.

Leviticus 15:11 Meaning

Leviticus 15:11, in its simplest form, speaks about the spread of impurity. If a person who is ceremonially unclean touches another person, the second person becomes unclean as well. This is a physical representation of how sin and impurity can spread from one individual to another.

In the spiritual sense, this verse also highlights how sin can affect not only the person who commits the sin but also those around them. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks about how it is not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their hearts (Matthew 15:11). This teaching emphasizes that what is inside of us—our thoughts, actions, and attitudes—can defile us and others.

Leviticus 15:11 also reflects the holiness that God requires of His people. The Old Testament laws were designed to maintain holiness in a community set apart for God. The Israelites had to be careful about the people they interacted with, and the things they touched, as even seemingly minor interactions could make them ceremonially unclean. This speaks to the importance of setting boundaries to protect one’s purity and holiness in God’s eyes.

Moreover, this verse shows the seriousness of sin in the Old Testament context. Sin was not something that could be easily dismissed or overlooked, and the laws surrounding ceremonial cleanliness were reminders that even small things, like touching an unclean person, could have significant spiritual consequences.

Leviticus 15:11 Application in Life

Though we no longer live under the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, the principle found in Leviticus 15:11 remains highly relevant for us today. Here are some practical lessons that we can apply to our lives based on this verse:

1. The Spread of Sin and Impurity

Leviticus 15:11 teaches us that impurity, like sin, can spread easily. In our own lives, we must be mindful of the influence we have on others. Just as touching someone who is unclean can make another person unclean, our words, actions, and attitudes can affect the people around us. Sin can spread through our relationships, workplaces, and even our communities if we are not careful.

As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Instead of allowing sin to spread, we should seek to spread goodness, righteousness, and purity. This requires vigilance in our relationships and decisions. We must examine our own hearts and ensure that we are living in a way that encourages others to pursue holiness.

2. Maintaining Holiness in Our Relationships

Leviticus 15:11 highlights the need for purity, especially in our relationships. The Israelites had to avoid becoming unclean by interacting with those who were impure. Similarly, we should strive to maintain spiritual purity in our relationships. This doesn’t mean we should isolate ourselves from people who are struggling with sin; rather, it means we must be intentional about not allowing their behavior to negatively influence us.

For example, if we are involved in relationships or environments where sin is prevalent, we must ensure that we do not become complacent or comfortable with that sin. Instead, we should encourage others to live in a way that honors God and be cautious of compromising our own standards of holiness.

3. Purification and Redemption Through Christ

While Leviticus 15:11 speaks of ceremonial purity, as Christians, we know that ultimate purification comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His blood washes us clean from sin, and through His grace, we are made righteous before God. In the New Testament, we see that no longer do we have to follow the strict laws of Leviticus for purification. Instead, we rely on the finished work of Christ to make us pure.

However, the idea of purification is still important for us as believers. We are called to live lives of repentance, seeking to purify our hearts through prayer, confession, and obedience to God’s Word. Leviticus 15:11 reminds us that impurity can easily spread, but through Christ, we are empowered to maintain purity and holiness in our lives.

4. The Importance of Boundaries

Leviticus 15:11 also teaches us about the importance of boundaries. The Israelites had to avoid certain things and people in order to remain pure. Similarly, we must set spiritual boundaries to protect ourselves from temptation and sin. These boundaries might look different for each person, but they are necessary to maintain a right relationship with God. For some, this may mean avoiding certain activities, places, or relationships that lead to sin. For others, it may involve making intentional choices to stay accountable to others and maintain integrity in all areas of life.


Leviticus 15:11 may seem like a small and specific regulation, but it carries with it important lessons about purity, holiness, and the spread of sin. While we are no longer under the ceremonial law of the Old Testament, the principles behind these laws remain relevant for us today. We are called to maintain spiritual purity, set boundaries, and protect our relationships from the influence of sin.

As Christians, we can apply the lessons of Leviticus 15:11 by being mindful of the way sin can spread and by striving to live in a way that honors God. We are reminded that our actions, words, and attitudes affect those around us, and we must be intentional about spreading goodness, righteousness, and holiness in all areas of our lives.

Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been purified and redeemed, but this does not give us license to live carelessly. Instead, it calls us to live lives that reflect the holiness of the One who has called us. May we take these lessons from Leviticus 15:11 to heart and strive to live in a way that brings glory to God.

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