
Leviticus 13:58 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 13:58 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 13:58 is a part of the laws given to the Israelites regarding cleanliness, disease, and how to handle various skin conditions. These laws, particularly those concerning leprosy and other infectious diseases, reflect God’s concern for the physical and spiritual purity of His people. Though these passages are ancient, they carry important lessons that we can apply to our lives today.


In this article, we will explore the meaning of Leviticus 13:58, its context, and the lessons we can learn from it. We will break it down into manageable sections, each addressing key aspects of the verse to better understand how it applies to us.


The Context of Leviticus 13:58 KJV

The Book of Leviticus

Leviticus is the third book of the Bible and is primarily concerned with laws and regulations given to the Israelites. The book’s name comes from the Levites, the tribe of priests who were entrusted with maintaining the religious and ceremonial practices of the people. Leviticus covers a wide range of topics, including sacrifices, ceremonial cleanliness, dietary laws, and social ethics.


A key theme in Leviticus is holiness. The Israelites were called to be a holy people, set apart for God’s purposes. The laws in Leviticus were not only concerned with moral and ethical behavior but also with maintaining physical purity, particularly in the context of diseases and skin conditions. This was crucial because, in ancient Israel, physical impurity was often associated with spiritual impurity.

Leviticus 13:58 in Context

Leviticus 13 deals with the laws regarding leprosy and other skin conditions. In particular, it explains how the Israelites should handle cases of suspected leprosy, which was a condition considered to make a person ritually unclean. The priests were responsible for examining these cases and determining whether the person was clean or unclean.

Leviticus 13:58 is found in the section of the chapter that addresses situations where skin conditions might affect clothing, such as wool or linen garments. The garments could become infected with a form of leprosy or mildew, and the instructions were given to help the people of Israel handle these situations appropriately. This may seem far removed from our everyday experiences, but it reveals deeper principles about purity, separation, and the importance of spiritual cleanliness.

Leviticus 13:58 (KJV)

Leviticus 13:58 (KJV):

“And if the raw flesh turn again, and be changed unto white, he shall come unto the priest;”

Breaking Down the Verse

“And if the raw flesh turn again”: This phrase refers to a situation where the affected area of the skin, which was previously showing signs of disease or infection, begins to show signs of improvement. The term “raw flesh” likely refers to an open wound or an area where the skin has been damaged due to the infection.

“And be changed unto white”: The change from raw flesh to a white appearance indicates a healing process. The color change was significant in determining whether the skin condition was improving. White skin in this context was seen as a sign of healing, meaning the disease was no longer as severe.

“He shall come unto the priest”: After the change occurs, the individual is instructed to go to the priest for further examination. The priest would assess the condition to determine whether the person was truly healed and could be considered clean.

Leviticus 13:58 Meaning

Leviticus 13:58 focuses on the healing process and the steps an individual must take when a skin condition improves. This verse highlights God’s concern for the physical well-being of His people, as well as the importance of purification and restoration.

The Healing Process

The verse describes the gradual process of healing. The change from raw flesh to white signifies that the disease was either under control or in the process of being healed. This shows that not all skin diseases were considered permanent or incurable. However, healing was not simply a matter of the skin improving; it required an official confirmation from the priest to determine whether the person was truly clean.

This process reflects God’s mercy. While the Israelites were called to maintain ritual purity, God also provided a way for those suffering from skin diseases to be restored to the community once they had healed. Healing was a process that involved physical restoration as well as spiritual renewal.

The Role of the Priest

The priest’s role was pivotal in this context. While the priest had medical knowledge, his primary role was spiritual. The priest was tasked with determining whether the person’s condition had truly changed and if they could be restored to the community. This reflects the idea that purity in Israel was both a physical and spiritual matter.

For the Christian believer, the role of spiritual leaders (pastors, elders, etc.) is similarly important. They provide guidance, counsel, and sometimes correction to help individuals grow in their faith and return to fellowship when they have strayed. Just as the priest had to confirm the healing of the person, spiritual leaders today help confirm the spiritual restoration of believers.

The Importance of Cleanliness and Purity

Leviticus 13:58 emphasizes the importance of cleanliness and purity, which were central to the life of the Israelites. While this verse speaks to the physical aspect of cleanliness, it also alludes to the deeper spiritual principle of being cleansed from sin.

In the New Testament, sin is often likened to a disease or impurity. Just as leprosy or skin disease caused physical separation from the community, sin causes spiritual separation from God. The process of cleansing in Leviticus 13:58 can be seen as a foreshadowing of the spiritual cleansing that believers undergo through the blood of Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate healer, purifying us from sin and restoring us to fellowship with God.

Leviticus 13:58 Application in Life

The Healing Power of God

One important lesson we can learn from Leviticus 13:58 is the healing power of God. Just as the person with the skin condition was healed over time, we too experience healing in our lives—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Sometimes, the process of healing is gradual, and it requires patience. However, just as God provided a way for the Israelites to be healed, He also provides for our healing today.

Whether we are struggling with physical illness, emotional pain, or spiritual issues, we can take comfort in knowing that God is at work in our lives, bringing about restoration. It may not happen immediately, but God is faithful to complete the work He has started in us (Philippians 1:6).

The Role of the Church in Restoration

Leviticus 13:58 also teaches us about the role of the church in the process of spiritual restoration. Just as the priest played an important part in confirming the individual’s healing, the church today plays an essential role in the restoration of believers who have fallen into sin or faced spiritual struggles.

When believers are recovering from spiritual wounds, it is important for them to come to the church for support and accountability. The church serves as a community of healing, where individuals can find restoration through prayer, counsel, and the Word of God. Galatians 6:1 encourages believers to restore those who have fallen gently, with love and humility.

Purity in Our Lives

Leviticus 13:58 underscores the importance of purity in both the physical and spiritual realms. God calls His people to live lives of holiness, set apart for His purposes. While we are no longer bound by the Old Testament ceremonial laws, the principle of holiness still applies. We are called to keep ourselves pure from sin, and when we fall short, we can turn to God for forgiveness and restoration.

Just as the person with the skin disease had to be cleansed before reentering the community, we too must seek purification before we can fully participate in the fellowship of believers. Jesus Christ provides the ultimate cleansing, washing us clean with His blood and restoring us to a right relationship with God.

Patience in the Process of Healing

Leviticus 13:58 reminds us that healing takes time. Whether dealing with a physical illness or a spiritual struggle, we must be patient and trust in God’s timing. Sometimes, healing comes slowly, and we may need to wait for God’s perfect timing. This requires faith, trust, and the understanding that God is working in us, even when we don’t see immediate results.

Spiritual Restoration

The concept of restoration is key to Leviticus 13:58. Just as the individual with the skin condition was restored to the community after healing, we too are called to be restored when we fall into sin. The process of spiritual restoration involves recognizing our need for healing, repenting of our sin, and seeking forgiveness through Jesus Christ. It also involves the support of the church community in helping us along the way.


Leviticus 13:58 provides valuable lessons about healing, restoration, and purity. It emphasizes the importance of being cleansed, both physically and spiritually, and highlights the role of spiritual leaders in the process. While the verse addresses a specific situation related to skin diseases, its application goes beyond the physical realm. It points to the deeper spiritual truth that we all need healing, and that healing comes through God’s mercy and grace.

The process of healing may take time, but we can trust that God is at work in our lives, bringing us closer to Him. Just as the Israelites were restored to the community after being healed, we too are restored to God and to each other through the work of Jesus Christ. Let us embrace the process of healing, trust in God’s timing, and strive to live lives of purity and holiness.

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