
What Does Leviticus 14:51 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 14:51 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 14:51 is a verse that comes from a portion of the Bible detailing instructions for the Israelites on how to deal with various impurities, including leprosy, mildew, and other types of contamination in the community. To fully understand this verse and its relevance, we need to look at the context in which it appears, its specific meaning, and how it applies to our lives today. This article will break down Leviticus 14:51 in detail.


The Context of Leviticus 14:51 KJV

The Book of Leviticus

Leviticus is the third book of the Bible, part of the Old Testament, and is primarily concerned with the laws and regulations given by God to the Israelites. These laws, also known as the Mosaic Law, cover various aspects of life, including rituals, sacrifices, cleanliness, and holiness. Leviticus is especially important in the context of the Old Covenant between God and His people.


The chapter in which Leviticus 14:51 appears deals with the purification process for a house that has been infected by mildew or other forms of impurity. The chapter provides a detailed account of how the Israelites were to handle the situation, using specific steps to cleanse the house, and how the priest was involved in confirming the house’s purity once the process was complete.


Leviticus 14:50-53 Overview

Before we focus on verse 51, it is important to understand the surrounding verses. Leviticus 14:50-53 describes the process of purification for a house that has been contaminated by mildew. If a person notices that mildew or a similar stain has appeared in the walls of their house, they are to report it to the priest. The priest would then examine the house, and if the infection was confirmed, the house would be emptied, scrubbed, and the affected stones would be removed.

In verses 50-53, there is a specific instruction regarding the sacrifices to be offered, and the priest’s role in the purification of the house. The focus in these verses is on restoring the house to a state of cleanliness so that it can be used for God’s purposes again.

Leviticus 14:51

Leviticus 14:51 falls within this context of purification and offers a specific command about the removal of contaminated stones:

Leviticus 14:51 (KJV): “And he shall take other stones, and put them in the place of those stones; and he shall take other mortar, and shall plaster the house.”

This verse specifically addresses the next step in the purification process, focusing on the removal and replacement of contaminated building materials.

Leviticus 14:51 Meaning

The Removal of Contaminated Stones

The first part of Leviticus 14:51 tells us that the priest is to remove the contaminated stones from the house. In the context of mildew or any form of impurity that might affect the house, the stones that have been tainted are to be discarded. This symbolizes the idea that anything that has been infected or made unclean must be removed to restore purity. In the Old Testament, impurity was contagious, so anything that had become impure had to be taken away to maintain holiness.

The Replacement of Stones

The verse then instructs that new, clean stones be placed in the location of the removed ones. This is significant because it shows that God desires the restoration of not just the physical structure, but also its spiritual state. A house that has been cleansed is one that is made whole again, not just through the removal of impurity but by the addition of what is good and clean.

The Use of New Mortar

The final instruction in the verse is to take new mortar and plaster the house. The new mortar represents a fresh start, a new foundation, and a complete cleansing of the house. Mortar was used to bind the stones together, and in this case, it symbolizes the restoration of unity and completeness. Just as the house needs to be restructured with new materials, so too the person (or people) experiencing spiritual impurity need a fresh spiritual foundation.

Leviticus 14:51 Application in Life

God’s Desire for Purity and Restoration

Leviticus 14:51 teaches us that God desires to restore purity. The purification of a house in the Old Testament points to the broader spiritual truth that God wants to cleanse His people from all impurity. Just as the Israelites needed to remove contaminated stones from their homes, we too must remove the impurities in our lives. This can include sin, bad habits, negative thoughts, and anything that separates us from God. God does not just want to take away the bad; He wants to replace it with something good, just as He replaced the contaminated stones with clean ones.

The Role of Sacrifice in Purification

The purification process described in Leviticus 14, including the removal of contaminated materials and the offering of sacrifices, is also a reminder of the importance of sacrifice in the process of purification. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ becomes the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. His sacrifice cleanses us from all impurity, and by accepting Christ, we are spiritually restored and made clean, just as the house was restored in Leviticus 14.

The Need for Renewal

In life, there are times when we experience spiritual decay, much like the mildew in the house. We may find that our hearts or minds have become polluted with doubt, fear, or sin. Leviticus 14:51 reminds us that God offers us a process of renewal. Just as the house had to be rebuilt with new stones and mortar, our spiritual lives can be rebuilt with the strength and help of God. This requires a willingness to repent, confess, and allow God to replace our brokenness with His healing.

A Call to Holiness

Leviticus 14:51 also calls us to pursue holiness. God’s instructions for the Israelites regarding the purity of their homes point to the larger principle of holiness that is to define the life of the believer. Just as the Israelites were commanded to keep their homes free from impurity, we are called to keep our lives free from the stain of sin. The renewal process described in Leviticus symbolizes the ongoing work of sanctification in the believer’s life, which is carried out by the Holy Spirit.


Leviticus 14:51 is a verse that speaks to the heart of God’s desire for purity and restoration. By looking at the context of the chapter, we see that the Israelites were given detailed instructions on how to cleanse a house that had been contaminated by impurity. The verse shows that God wants to restore what has been broken and unclean, replacing it with what is new and holy.

For believers today, this verse has profound spiritual implications. It calls us to remove the impurities from our own lives and to allow God to replace them with what is good, pure, and holy. Just as the Israelites used new stones and mortar to rebuild their homes, we are invited to be rebuilt by the power of Christ’s sacrifice and the work of the Holy Spirit. Through this process of spiritual renewal, we are made whole again, purified and restored to fellowship with God.

In our daily lives, we can apply the principles found in Leviticus 14:51 by seeking God’s cleansing power, repenting of our sins, and allowing Him to rebuild us. We can trust that, just as God purified the houses of the Israelites, He desires to purify our hearts and make us holy, ready to be used for His purposes.

Leviticus 14:51 is a reminder that God is not only concerned with the physical state of things but is deeply invested in the spiritual restoration of His people. As we embrace His cleansing power, we can find comfort in knowing that He makes all things new.

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