
Leviticus 13:38 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 13:38 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 13:38 is part of a section in the book of Leviticus that deals with laws regarding skin diseases, including leprosy, which were seen as both a physical and spiritual issue in the life of the Israelites. Understanding this verse is crucial for interpreting the broader context of ceremonial laws related to purity, cleanliness, and community health. As with many other Old Testament laws, the purpose of these rules was to ensure the holiness of God‘s people, both in their physical and spiritual lives.


In this article, we will explore Leviticus 13:38, examine its context, analyze its meaning, discuss its application in modern life, and offer a concluding perspective on its relevance.


The Context of Leviticus 13:38 KJV

The Book of Leviticus: A Guide to Holiness

The Book of Leviticus is one of the key books in the Old Testament, primarily focusing on the laws given by God to Moses for the Israelites. These laws govern various aspects of life, including religious practices, moral behavior, and the maintenance of ritual purity. The overarching theme of Leviticus is holiness. God, who is holy, desires His people to be holy as well (Leviticus 11:44-45).


In particular, Leviticus 13 and 14 contain detailed instructions about skin diseases, which were often seen as a form of impurity. These chapters focus on how to identify and deal with diseases like leprosy, and they emphasize the role of the priests in diagnosing and declaring someone “clean” or “unclean.” The priests were not only religious leaders but also acted as medical inspectors, helping to protect the community from the spread of disease.

The laws about skin diseases were not just about physical health but also about spiritual purity. To be declared “unclean” meant that a person was temporarily separated from the community, which helped protect the Israelites from both physical and ceremonial defilement.

Leviticus 13:38 Within the Larger Context

Leviticus 13 begins by outlining how the priests were to examine various skin diseases to determine whether a person was clean or unclean. The laws focused on lesions, sores, or other skin conditions, and there were specific signs that indicated whether the disease was serious or whether the person could return to the community.

In verses 38 and 39, the focus shifts slightly to another form of skin condition. These verses address the situation when a person has spots or patches of different color but without the more obvious signs of a spreading infection like leprosy.

Leviticus 13:38 occurs right after a series of verses that deal with individuals who have certain conditions that don’t appear to be contagious or severe but still require a priest’s evaluation.

Leviticus 13:38 (KJV)

Here is Leviticus 13:38 in the King James Version:

“If a man also or a woman have in the skin of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots;”

Understanding the Verse

Leviticus 13:38 is a simple but significant verse. It introduces a specific condition that is not immediately dangerous or contagious but still warrants attention. It speaks of “bright spots” on the skin, which are described as “white bright spots.” These spots, though they may be noticeable, are not inherently unclean in the same way as leprosy or other serious skin conditions.

This verse seems to describe a condition that might appear as a light discoloration or a form of pigmentation on the skin. While these spots are not a direct cause for alarm, they still need to be examined by the priest to determine their significance. Importantly, the verse mentions both men and women, indicating that this condition is not gender-specific.

Leviticus 13:38 Meaning

The Condition of Bright Spots

The “bright spots” mentioned in Leviticus 13:38 refer to skin discoloration that might appear in white or lighter patches. While these spots are not indicative of a disease that would defile a person in the same way leprosy would, they still require careful inspection. This suggests that the priests were not only looking for infectious conditions but also for any visible signs of irregularity that could impact the health or purity of the individual.

The bright spots are likely a form of skin discoloration, possibly related to pigmentation or other non-contagious skin conditions. While these spots might not be dangerous, they still required the priest’s attention because they could indicate other issues, such as a potential underlying infection, or they could simply be a sign of something that could affect the community’s cleanliness.

The Priest’s Role in Evaluation

Leviticus 13:38 underscores the priest’s role in evaluating and diagnosing skin conditions. In the context of ancient Israel, the priesthood was responsible for more than just religious duties. The priests served as guardians of both spiritual and physical purity in the community. This was especially important because health was tied to holiness in Israel’s understanding of the law.

The priest’s evaluation of bright spots would help ensure that individuals who had such conditions did not spread something contagious to the rest of the community. The verse does not say whether the individual with these spots was clean or unclean but directs the priest to inspect the condition more closely. If the spots did not show signs of infection or deeper issues, the person might be allowed to remain in the community.

Symbolism of Physical Purity

In the Old Testament, physical purity often had a spiritual significance. For example, leprosy was not only a disease but also a symbol of spiritual impurity, often representing sin. The bright spots in Leviticus 13:38 may not carry the same spiritual weight as leprosy, but they still point to the broader theme of God’s desire for His people to be pure—physically, morally, and spiritually.

Even in the New Testament, believers are called to live in purity, avoiding the spiritual “spots” of sin that can tarnish our relationship with God. Leviticus 13:38, in this sense, can be seen as a reminder of the need to examine our own lives for any “spots” or impurities that may need God’s cleansing.

Leviticus 13:38 Application in Life

The Importance of Spiritual and Physical Health

Leviticus 13:38 can be applied to our lives by considering both our physical and spiritual health. While we are no longer under the Old Testament ceremonial laws, the principles behind these laws remain relevant. Just as the Israelites were concerned with maintaining cleanliness to avoid impurity, we should strive for spiritual purity in our own lives.

Physically, it is essential to take care of our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). While we are not under the law regarding skin diseases, the Bible still calls us to steward our bodies well. Taking care of our health, eating properly, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances are all ways we can apply principles of physical purity.

Spiritually, we must be vigilant in guarding our hearts from sin. The “bright spots” on our hearts may not always be obvious, but we should regularly examine our lives to ensure there are no hidden sins or impurities. When we see these “spots,” we can seek God’s forgiveness and cleansing. Regular self-examination is essential in maintaining spiritual health.

The Need for Community and Accountability

In Leviticus 13, the priest was given the responsibility of inspecting individuals for conditions that might affect the community. This highlights the importance of accountability within the community of faith. Just as the Israelites had priests to help guide them in matters of purity, we also need accountability partners, pastors, and fellow believers to help us grow in our spiritual lives.

If we have “bright spots” in our lives—areas of struggle or hidden sin—it’s essential to bring them to God and, if necessary, seek counsel and support from others. Confession, repentance, and accountability are key to living a life that is pleasing to God.

God’s Desire for Holiness

Leviticus 13:38 serves as a reminder that God desires holiness in His people. While the specifics of ceremonial cleanliness may not apply to us today, the principle behind them remains. God calls us to live holy lives, set apart for His purposes. This means avoiding sin and seeking to live in accordance with His will.

Just as the Israelites were called to examine themselves for physical impurity, we are called to examine our hearts and minds for spiritual impurity. God desires a pure people, and we are to strive for holiness, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The Role of Jesus in Purification

While Leviticus 13:38 deals with ceremonial purity, it also points to a greater truth revealed in the New Testament—Jesus Christ came to purify us not just from physical impurity but from spiritual impurity as well. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus offers us forgiveness and cleansing from all sin (1 John 1:9). The cleansing power of Christ is far greater than the rituals and inspections of the Old Testament. He purifies us completely when we come to Him in faith.

Whenever we recognize “bright spots” in our lives—whether physical or spiritual—we can turn to Jesus for healing and cleansing. His blood, shed on the cross, washes away all sin and makes us whole.


Leviticus 13:38 serves as an important reminder about the need for both physical and spiritual purity. While this verse directly addresses a skin condition in the context of ancient Israel, the underlying principles still hold value for us today. God desires His people to be pure in both body and spirit, and He has given us His Word and His Son, Jesus, to help us live in a way that honors Him.

By examining our hearts and lives regularly, seeking accountability, and trusting in the cleansing power of Christ, we can live in the holiness God calls us to. Just as the priests played a vital role in the community’s purity, we, too, are called to live in a way that reflects God’s holiness to the world.

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