
What Does Leviticus 11:26 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 11:26 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 11:26 is part of the Old Testament book of Leviticus, which is filled with instructions from God for His people, Israel. These laws were intended to guide the Israelites in their worship and daily lives, setting them apart as a holy nation. Leviticus 11:26 addresses specific guidelines on what animals are considered unclean and touches upon how to handle these situations.


Understanding this verse is important not only to grasp the laws given to the Israelites but also to uncover the deeper spiritual principles that apply to believers today. In this article, we will explore the context of Leviticus 11:26, its meaning, how it applies to life today, and the lessons we can learn from it.


The Context of Leviticus 11:26 (KJV)

Leviticus 11 is a chapter in the Old Testament that provides the Israelites with detailed laws regarding clean and unclean animals. These dietary laws were part of the Mosaic Covenant, given to the Israelites as a way to maintain purity, holiness, and distinctiveness from the surrounding nations. These laws were meant to emphasize God’s holiness and help the Israelites live in obedience to Him.


The chapter divides animals into categories based on their characteristics, with some being considered clean and others unclean. The clean animals could be eaten, while the unclean ones were forbidden. Leviticus 11:26 falls within this discussion, detailing the specific animals that are unclean because of certain physical features. It speaks about animals with paws or certain bodily features that defile a person when touched or eaten.

This law was not just about the food Israelites could eat but was part of a larger framework of rules that governed their relationship with God. The Israelites were to live in a way that set them apart from other nations, and these dietary laws were a visible way to demonstrate their obedience to God’s commands.

Leviticus 11:26 (KJV)

The verse in the King James Version (KJV) reads:

“The carcase of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean.”

This verse refers to animals that do not have both characteristics: divided hooves and the ability to chew cud. In the context of Leviticus, these animals were considered ceremonially unclean. If a person touched the carcass of such an animal, they would become unclean themselves and need to follow purification rituals.

The verse highlights two important features: the hoof and the cud. Animals that were allowed to be eaten by the Israelites had both of these features. If they did not have both characteristics, they were considered unclean and therefore forbidden.

Leviticus 11:26 Meaning

Leviticus 11:26 speaks about the physical characteristics that made certain animals unclean. But, as is often the case in the Bible, these laws go beyond the surface and carry spiritual lessons for believers today.

1. Symbol of Spiritual Purity

In the Old Testament, cleanliness was more than a physical issue; it was a spiritual matter. The Israelites were called to be a holy people, set apart by God. The dietary laws, including those mentioned in Leviticus 11:26, were part of a larger system of holiness that covered every area of life. These laws illustrated the concept that the Israelites had to be pure both physically and spiritually.

God’s holiness was symbolized through these dietary laws, and by following them, the Israelites showed their obedience and reverence for God. In a similar way, as Christians, we are called to be holy, not just in our actions but in our hearts as well. Our purity and holiness come through the grace of Jesus Christ, but the call to live according to God’s standards remains.

2. A Call to Obedience

Another meaning behind Leviticus 11:26 is the importance of obedience. God gave the Israelites these laws, and their response was expected to be one of trust and obedience. Even though the laws may have seemed unusual or difficult to follow, the Israelites were to obey because it was a matter of faithfulness to God’s commands.

In the same way, Christians today are called to live lives of obedience to God, trusting that His commands are for our good. While we are no longer bound by the Old Testament dietary laws, the principle of obedience remains. God still desires His people to obey Him, even when the reasons are not immediately clear.

3. The Idea of Clean and Unclean

Leviticus 11:26 draws attention to the distinction between clean and unclean animals. In a broader spiritual context, this distinction also reflects the difference between holiness and sin. Sin is often depicted as something that defiles and makes us unclean. Just as the Israelites were forbidden from eating certain animals because they were deemed unclean, we as Christians are called to avoid sin because it defiles our relationship with God.

In the New Testament, Jesus emphasized that true defilement comes from within, from the heart, rather than from external sources like food (Mark 7:15). Yet, the principle of living a pure and holy life is still central to the Christian faith.

Leviticus 11:26 Application in Life

While Leviticus 11:26 deals with a specific law for the Israelites, there are several practical applications for Christians today. Understanding these applications helps us see how the Old Testament principles can still guide us in our walk with God.

1. Purity in Heart and Life

Leviticus 11:26 teaches us about the importance of living a pure life. The Israelites were called to maintain external purity by avoiding certain unclean foods and practices. For Christians today, the call to purity is not just about avoiding physical contaminants but also about guarding our hearts and minds from sin. Jesus said that what comes out of the heart defiles a person (Matthew 15:18-20), and we are called to keep our hearts pure before God.

We can apply this principle by striving for holiness in every area of our lives, including our thoughts, actions, and relationships. We are to be a reflection of God’s holiness, living in a way that honors Him.

2. Trust in God’s Commands

Leviticus 11:26 reminds us that God’s commands are not arbitrary but are given for our benefit. Just as the Israelites were to trust God’s laws for their health and holiness, we too are called to trust in God’s guidance for our lives. God’s commands are always for our good, even when we don’t fully understand them.

In our daily lives, we may face situations where obedience to God’s Word requires us to make difficult decisions. Whether it’s about our actions, our attitudes, or our choices, we are called to trust that God’s way is best and to live in obedience to His will.

3. Separation from Sin

The idea of clean and unclean animals in Leviticus 11:26 has a deeper spiritual meaning for Christians. We are called to separate ourselves from sin and avoid things that defile our hearts and minds. This does not mean we withdraw from the world but that we do not participate in sinful behaviors or attitudes. We are to be in the world but not of the world.

In practical terms, this means making wise choices about what we watch, listen to, and engage with in our daily lives. Just as the Israelites had to avoid certain animals, we must avoid the things that lead us into sin and away from God.

4. The Need for Jesus

One of the most important lessons we can take from Leviticus 11:26 is the need for purification. The Israelites needed rituals to become clean again after touching unclean animals, and they had to follow specific guidelines. As Christians, we understand that Jesus is the ultimate purifier. He cleanses us from our sin and makes us holy through His sacrifice on the cross.

Through Christ, we no longer have to follow the Old Testament dietary laws, but we are still called to live holy lives. We are made clean through Jesus, and this cleansing is a gift of grace.


Leviticus 11:26 is a verse that, at first glance, may seem disconnected from modern Christian life. However, it carries deep spiritual truths about obedience, holiness, and the need to remain pure. The laws about clean and unclean animals were given to the Israelites to help them live distinct, holy lives. Today, while we are no longer bound by these specific laws, we are still called to live holy lives in obedience to God’s commands.

The principles in Leviticus 11:26 remind us of the importance of spiritual purity, the need for separation from sin, and the ultimate purification found in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we are to live with a heart of obedience, trusting that God’s commands are for our good and striving to reflect His holiness in everything we do.

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