
Why Is Ezekiel Called Son of Man?

by Mia

The title “Son of Man” is one of the most significant titles used in the Bible. It holds great theological importance and is used multiple times in the Old and New Testaments. In the case of Ezekiel, the title “Son of Man” is used in a unique way to convey deep meaning about his identity, his mission, and his relationship with God. In this article, we will explore why Ezekiel is referred to as “Son of Man” and how this title shapes our understanding of his role as a prophet.

What Does “Son of Man” Mean?

The term “Son of Man” is not unique to Ezekiel. In fact, it appears numerous times throughout the Bible, particularly in the books of the Old Testament and the Gospels. While it can have different meanings depending on the context, the phrase generally refers to human beings in a broad sense. In some instances, it is a title used for individuals, while in others, it refers to humanity as a whole.


The phrase “Son of Man” can be understood in several ways, depending on its context:


Humanity: The phrase often simply refers to a human being or a descendant of man. This usage emphasizes the human nature of the person being addressed.


A Special Messenger or Representative: Sometimes, “Son of Man” is used to designate someone with a special role, such as a prophet or servant of God. In this sense, it highlights the unique purpose or mission of the individual.

The Messianic Title: In the New Testament, Jesus often refers to Himself as the “Son of Man,” and this title is associated with His divine mission as the Messiah. It conveys both His humanity and His authority.

The Role of Ezekiel as the “Son of Man”

In the book of Ezekiel, the title “Son of Man” is used consistently to address Ezekiel, emphasizing his humanity and his role as a representative of the people of Israel. Ezekiel’s mission as a prophet was to deliver God’s messages to a rebellious and disobedient people. The title “Son of Man” in this context serves to remind Ezekiel of his role as a human servant of God and underscores the distinction between God’s divine power and Ezekiel’s human frailty.

1. Human Nature of Ezekiel

Ezekiel was a prophet called by God to speak to the Israelites during their exile in Babylon. As a prophet, Ezekiel was tasked with delivering God’s message of judgment, warning, and hope. However, the title “Son of Man” reminds Ezekiel, and by extension, the reader, that he was still a human being. While Ezekiel was chosen by God for a specific purpose, he was not divine. This distinction is important in understanding the relationship between the prophet and God.

By calling Ezekiel the “Son of Man,” God emphasizes that Ezekiel is a representative of the human condition, vulnerable and subject to the same limitations as the rest of humanity. This human aspect of Ezekiel’s nature would make him relatable to the people he was called to serve, showing that even though he was delivering difficult messages, he shared in their suffering and struggles.

2. A Messenger of God

The title also highlights Ezekiel’s role as a messenger of God. Ezekiel was not merely a passive recipient of God’s words; he was called to deliver God’s messages to a nation in turmoil. By calling Ezekiel “Son of Man,” God is reminding him of the gravity of his mission. Ezekiel is a human representative of God’s voice, conveying divine truths to a disobedient people.

Throughout the book of Ezekiel, God uses this title as a way of emphasizing Ezekiel’s humanity while at the same time underscoring the divine authority behind his words. Ezekiel is not speaking on his own authority; rather, he is delivering God’s commands to Israel. The title “Son of Man” serves as a humbling reminder that while Ezekiel speaks with God’s authority, he is still merely a servant chosen by God to fulfill His purpose.

3. Identification with the People

Another important aspect of the title “Son of Man” is that it signifies Ezekiel’s identification with the people he is called to serve. The Israelites were in exile, and they had suffered greatly due to their disobedience. Ezekiel, though a prophet of God, was still a part of this suffering community. The use of the term “Son of Man” highlights Ezekiel’s solidarity with his people.

Ezekiel was not above the struggles of Israel; he shared in their suffering, their exile, and their yearning for restoration. This connection between Ezekiel and the people is vital in understanding why God called him to this role. Ezekiel was not just a distant figure delivering messages from afar; he was one of them, experiencing the same hardship and challenges. His humanity allowed him to sympathize with the Israelites and speak to them with authenticity and compassion.

4. A Humbling Title

The title “Son of Man” also serves to humble Ezekiel. In the book of Ezekiel, God reveals Himself in mighty visions, such as the vision of God’s glory in chapter 1. These visions emphasize the majesty and power of God, a stark contrast to Ezekiel’s human limitations. In this context, the repeated use of “Son of Man” reminds Ezekiel of his lowly status in relation to God.

This humility is important because it reflects the nature of prophetic ministry. Prophets were not self-appointed; they were chosen by God for a specific purpose. The title “Son of Man” serves as a constant reminder that Ezekiel was a servant, called to deliver God’s message, but without the divine power or glory that God Himself possesses. This understanding would keep Ezekiel grounded as he faced difficult tasks and confrontations with a rebellious people.

The Theological Significance of the Title “Son of Man”

While the title “Son of Man” in Ezekiel is often viewed as emphasizing Ezekiel’s humanity, it also carries deep theological significance. The term highlights the contrast between God’s divine nature and Ezekiel’s human limitations. It serves to illustrate the relationship between God and His messengers, as well as the role of prophets in communicating God’s will to His people.

1. The Connection to the Messianic Prophecy

In the broader context of biblical theology, the title “Son of Man” also points to a greater fulfillment found in the person of Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, Jesus frequently refers to Himself as the “Son of Man,” and this title is linked to prophecies found in books like Daniel. In Daniel 7:13-14, the “Son of Man” is portrayed as a figure with divine authority who will establish God’s kingdom on earth. While Ezekiel’s use of the title refers to his humanity and prophetic mission, it also foreshadows the future fulfillment of the “Son of Man” in the person of Jesus.

2. A Reminder of God’s Holiness

The title “Son of Man” also serves to remind the prophet and the reader of God’s holiness. As a human being, Ezekiel is far from holy in comparison to God’s perfection. The title reinforces the idea that while Ezekiel may be called to deliver God’s message, he remains a human servant who must maintain reverence and humility before a holy God. This understanding helps to keep the role of the prophet in perspective, showing that it is God who is the ultimate authority.

3. The Role of Prophets in God’s Plan

Finally, the title “Son of Man” reflects the role of prophets in God’s overall plan of redemption. Prophets like Ezekiel were chosen to deliver God’s messages to His people, calling them to repentance and warning them of the consequences of disobedience. However, the ultimate goal of these messages was restoration and salvation. The title emphasizes that Ezekiel, like other prophets, is part of a larger plan to bring God’s people back into a right relationship with Him.


The title “Son of Man” carries deep theological and prophetic significance. For Ezekiel, this title highlights his humanity, his role as a messenger of God, and his identification with the suffering people of Israel. It also serves to humble him in the face of God’s divine authority and holiness. While “Son of Man” may seem like a simple title, it speaks volumes about the relationship between God and His prophets, as well as the greater plan of salvation that would eventually be fulfilled through Jesus Christ, the ultimate “Son of Man.” Through Ezekiel’s example, we are reminded of the importance of humility, obedience, and faithful service to God’s calling.

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